Frequently asked questions.

Who and what do you help with?

We help any person looking for any guidance. You set the consultation and we find out the plan for your you. Whether it’s just a one time thing or a continued plan. We also help small businesses with navigating start up, assisting with marketing ideas, public speaking, management consulting, and much more to help your business grow and succeed. Or even to maintain the business to make it more manageable for a healthy work life balance. Small businesses don’t have to turn into corporations if it’s not what you want for your business.

Do you have a physical place or is it only online?

Our business structure is mainly virtual - phone calls, emails, texts, instagram messages, or google video/zoom calls. However, we can, on occasions - meet in person in public spaces. If an in person meet is required then we will further accommodate. Message us by email or by instagram messages for more details.

The website's too vague it says you can help with anything but I don’t know if I need your help. Can you give examples of how a person can use your services?

From small tasks to larger ones we got you covered.

For smaller one time uses we can help out with the following but it’s not limited to this list just a few helpful examples:

  • resume building

  • interview skills

  • public speaking

  • issue with a word doc, powerpoint, one note, xcel, and you want a second opinion

  • new to adulting and want advice with applying for credit cards, rental leases, etc., we can help with that

  • you feel like you want a second set of eyes or perspective on something you’re working on or completed before you unleash it to the world (like a speech, paper, project, etc.)

For in depth help that require more than one consult:

  • parents looking for help with professional development with their children

  • finances - budgeting, savings, understanding credit cards and loans

  • looking for a mentor that will help you in navigating life, maybe you don’t want a mentor and just a buddy

  • assist you with discovering new talents or further developing them

How can you assist businesses?

Our organization focuses mainly on start up and small businesses. That’s where our expertise lies. However, we always welcome any new business of all sizes. Ask about the dual exploration discount.

Examples: We walk you through the start up process. Ask you questions to identify what you’re looking for out of your business and guide you. Assist you with transitioning your business from paper to virtual to help cut costs. Offering class sessions for your employees on specific topics to help with training in areas you feel could use growth. We also provide a unique risk management perspective and initial assessment to help you identify and manage the risks that threaten your business.